Sunday, October 10, 2010


1. Step 3:
A.  Installation art is art in which the space itself becomes a part of the work. Viewers are drawn into the work and are able to interact with is by being in it. Some work is meant to make you think of objects or situations in new ways. They are works that become unique in or with the space they occupy.

B.  Anything can be used in an installation. You can find such things as materials used in traditional artworks, video footage, trash, everyday objects, and even people.
C.  Something to entertain, invoke thoughts, make a statement. To break away from what we traditionally see as art and share a vision of a different perspective.
D.  I really like Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s “The Gates. I have seen many images of this installation before and always wondered when it must have been like to have see it set up in Central Park. I think The shade of orange that was used to the way the fabric moves in the wind is really nice. IOT seemed to really add life to an area that so many people pass though daily.

2. Step 4:
A.  I really like the pieces that involve textiles in different ways. I guess it’s because I am a fashion major. I really like Eva Hesse’s “Contingent” found on the website. I really like the color, texture, and repetition of the piece. It really draws my eye to it. I would love to just walk all the way around this installation.

B.  I would like to explore nature. I love being outside and feel a connection with nature.  

C.  I will use tissue paper and thread.

D. This installation will be in my apartment for my roommate as well as visitors to enjoy. 


4.Paper orbs hang from overhead in repetition. Each orb contains a different range of colors. The orbs are slighly different sizes and are hung at different heights. The orbs look stiff and rigid.
5. The orbs can be interpreted as flowers or a sign of spring. As winter is nearing it gives hope for warmer weather. The bright bold colors liven up the plain white walls. It creates a sense of space knowing that the orbs are three dimensional and can be maneuvered around. When a gust of air catches the orbs they sway in a natural motion. The first thing that comes to mind when I look at them is pollen floating in the summer air.

6. I wanted something fun and attractive for my installation. I chose the particular location for its visibility upon entry to the apartment. It was fun to assemble the orbs and decide how they would be arranged. 

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